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Training and Service Development

Training and Service Development

The National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC) comprises both consumer completed measures and clinician completed measures, collected using a standard data collection protocol and was designed to:

  • be meaningful to consumers, carers, clinicians, and the community;
  • provide a consistent approach to measurement regardless of where the consumer receives their care; and
  • provide timely and meaningful information in formats that can be understood.

The Training and Service Development component of AMHOCN provides leadership and works collaboratively with states and territories in training in outcome measures and their use in clinical practice, service management and service development. AMHOCN has a range of training initiatives focused on the NOCC and these include:

Online training

AMHOCN provides online training in the measures (e.g. HoNOS/CA/65+, HoNOSI, LSP, CGAS, Phase of Care,K-10, BASIS-32, MHI-38 and also for the YES, CES and LCQ. AMHOCN also provides access to licensing of the YES suite of measures, CES, LCQ and HoNOSI.

Workshops, forums and webinars

AMHOCN runs workshops, forums and webinars on using the NOCC measures and other topics of interest in outcomes and experience measurement.

Training resources

A number of resources are available to support jurisdictions and services in training their workforce in the rating and use of measures. These resources include basic measures training, rater and clinical utility training and use of the measures in team reviews. Written and video vignettes are also available that support these training resources.

Experience measures for consumers and carers

AMHOCN has supported work on the development of the Your Experience of Service (YES) suite of surveys and the Carer Experience Survey (CES). Applications for licences to use these surveys, guidance documentation for use and reports on their development are available.

Other measures

AMHOCN has also supported development of other measures, including the Living in the Community Questionnaire (LCQ) and the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Infants (HoNOSI).

Special projects

AMHOCN has undertaken several special projects in recent years including: the collaboration with Lived Experience Australia on creating positive experiences using NOCC measures and the HoNOS 2018 / HoNOS Older Adults content validity study.